Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My first Collab Tagger Size kits with Pink Princess Scraps.
Includes 91 elements & 20 paper.
Personal Use Only.

Get it here :

Monday, October 31, 2011
It's here! We are so excited to be celebrating our 6th Birthday here at NDISB.
We have come a long way in that time, and we want to celebrate big style.
We have a week full of fun and prizes for you all, this thread will give you the run down of what's in store, check out the other threads in this section for games, challenges and FUN!

Every time you play a game or enter a challenge, you will be entered into a random prize draw to win one of lots and lots of fun prizes.
The prizes range from Gift Certificates to Quick Pages, Cluster Packs to Albums

Our designers have worked tirelessly over the last few weeks to make sure there are plenty of goodies lined up for you to win,, so participate as much as you can because each challenge layout and game you play will qualify you to go in a draw to win a prize.

To qualify, you must post your layouts in the special birthday gallery we have created, and post in the relevan threads.

At the end of our week, we will enter every single name of those who participated in our celebrations into a random prize draw for some huge prizes. Here is what we have in the kitty for you to win,,,

A full copy of Paint Shop Pro X4, provided by COREL

Full yearly memberships to DigScrap Connect which include access to the monthly sponsor kits.

A 1 month, 2 month and 3 month membership to Digital Scrapbook Artisan Guild

We also have some fab prizes lined up from Cassel of Creation Cassel, including lessons for the Scrapbook Campus

and yet more Gift Certificates and coupons from our fab designers!

These are truly awesome prizes, don't miss out!

In addition, we have a Treasure Hunt, search around in our store, gallery and forum for this cupcake

Posted Image

and download the goodie hidden behind it

You will end up with this awesome collection created by our team of talented designers

Start looking out for those cupcakes later today!

And that's not all,, from Wednesday you can catch a train to do a little hop around our designer and creative team blogs to collect even more goodies!

We are all on different time zones so please be patient when searching out for the goodies.

Look out later today for the first of the challenges!

in the meantime, go grab these from my store for FREE

Dress up your hat and pop it on your avatar,, and join in the PARTY!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

OMG Wow!! 
This Exclusive DigiDivaz Bundle contains 4 Halloween PU Tagger sized Kits
 from the designers at DigiDivaz. Each product can be bought seperately, 
but why not save $$$ and buy them all together.
 Get this bundle on HERE

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


This award is for the Beautiful Women (and Men)
who grace us with their talents
in the Tagger Community.
The intent of this award is to pass it on
to the Designer, Tagger, or Artist
who has inspired you with their endless talent
and who has touched your heart.
There are many out there.
Let's see how far we can pass this on.

I choose to pass this to:
Once you have received this award
Please pass it on to five blogs
to show some love
for those who truly are BEAUTIFUL.
Saturday, October 1, 2011

This is my contribution with the Blogtrain Blogs..
hope everyone love my page kits,
please leave some love when you got it..:)
So you must have come from StarSongStudio
now you can download mine on HERE
Your next stop is Scrappamondo by Monica

Don't forget to go at the main blogs of the Blogtrains
to grabs the full of all participant list on here:

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Hai,my name is Rieka, I'm working wife. I'm a designer for the Scrapkits on my spare time & i just addicted for it!! All my products i create with Photoshop CS2 and PSP X2. Thanks all for stop by on my blogs. I love read comment from you all..:)
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